Shoulder Arthritis

There are various types of shoulder arthritis, including:

  • Osteoarthritis – which erodes the smooth lining of the joint. Eventually the bones will rub together, causing pain. Sometimes called wear and tear arthritis, osteoarthritis is more common in the over 50s.
  • Post-traumatic arthritis – damage arising after specific injury or trauma to the joint such as a previous fracture or dislocation
  • Rotator cuff tear arthritis – which can occur after large, long standing rotator cuff tendon tears.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis – this an inflammatory condition affecting the lining of the joint causing swelling and pain.

What Causes Shoulder Arthritis?

Shoulder arthritis may arise from wear and tear, shoulder injury or trauma, rotator cuff tears, or inflammation in the joint.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Shoulder Arthritis?

Patients will experience varying degrees of pain along with weakness and a limited range of motion which can affect even light activities such as hair brushing. Shoulder arthritis symptoms tend to worsen as the condition progresses. Pain may also be experienced at night which can lead to sleep disruption.

How is the Condition Diagnosed?

Mr Soong Chua and his team will begin with your medical history and a physical examination to assess your pain and range of movement before moving onto imaging tests such as x-rays, ultrasound or an MRI scan.

What are the Shoulder Arthritis Treatment Options?

Mr Soong Chua may initially suggest non-surgical approaches to shoulder arthritis such as:

  • Rest
  • Activity modification
  • Physiotherapy to try to relieve the pain
  • Anti-inflammatory medication including pain killers and steroid injections

If non-invasive treatment for shoulder arthritis does not achieve the desired level of improvement, Mr Soong Chua and his team will then consider a range of surgical options.

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Not sure where to start? Give us a call us on (03) 9038 5200.