
The elbow is a crucial joint that is made up of three main parts: the upper arm bone (humerus), the inner forearm bone (ulna), and the outer forearm bone (radius). Ligaments keep the joint stable, and tendons connect muscles to bones, allowing us to move our arms smoothly. The complex interplay of these parts, especially the way the upper arm bone connects with the two forearm bones, allows for rotation and flexibility. This structure is essential for everyday tasks like lifting or performing intricate tasks with our hands. Wear and tear, ageing and trauma are all common causes for orthopaedic elbow conditions. Mr. Soong Chua and his team possess extensive expertise in effectively addressing a diverse range of elbow issues, encompassing both degenerative conditions and sports-related injuries.

Elbow Conditions we treat

The biceps is a muscle located in your upper arm. It is connected to the bone by three tendons, two at the shoulder and one at the elbow. A distal biceps tendon rupture at the elbow occurs when the tendon connecting the biceps to the bone is torn or detached from the bone. For information on the...
Medial epicondylitis, more commonly known as 'golfer’s elbow', is damage to the flexor tendons that are attached to the medial epicondyle, which is the bony bump on the inside of the elbow...
Lateral epicondylitis, more commonly known as tennis elbow, is damage to the extensor tendons (common extensor origin) that are attached to the lateral epicondyle, which is the bony bump on the outer (lateral) side of the elbow...
Arthritis is a general term for pain and stiffness affecting a joint. In the elbow, the most common form of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis and post-traumatic arthritis. Post-traumatic arthritis develops after an injury such as a fracture or dislocation. The elbow becomes stiff, as the soft...
The ulnar nerve is one of the main nerves in your arm which runs from your neck down into your hand. Ulnar nerve compression occurs when the ulnar nerve in the arm becomes compressed or irritated. It can be constricted beneath the collar bone and the wrist, however, it is most commonly constricted...

Other Conditions

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