Fractures and Injuries

A fracture refers to when a bone breaks or cracks. Depending on the cause and the individual health of the patient, a bone can fracture completely or partially, and can be of varying degrees of severity. Any bone in the body can fracture, including wrist and elbow fractures, knee fractures, shoulder fractures and dislocations, and leg bone fractures.

An orthopaedic injury, also known as orthopaedic trauma, is any condition considered a serious injury to a bone, a joint, a muscle, or any soft tissue, or a combination of these.

What are the signs and symptoms of Fractures and Injuries?

Signs and symptoms can differ, depending on the specific circumstances of the fracture or injury. However, patients should seek medical attention if they have a combination of the following:

Bruising, redness or an open wound
In joints – a ‘pop’ noise at the time of the injury may indicate a dislocation
Visible deformity
Decreased use or function
Reduced range of movement
Inability to straighten joint

How are Fractures and Injuries diagnosed?

In order to confirm a fracture or injury diagnosis, an X-Ray needs to be taken. This may be done in a hospital at an Emergency Department, or a private clinic. Mr. Soong Chua will make an assessment based on this X-ray, a physical examination of the affected area, and the general health of the patient.

How Can You Prevent Fractures and Injuries?

Fractures and injuries are often caused by falling, car accidents or impact during sport. However, they can also be caused by overuse, or ‘wear and tear’. Therefore, there are small things you can do to reduce risk, including wearing a seat belt, and taking regular breaks in repetitive work.

Patients over 60 years old are often at higher risk of fractures and injuries, because their bones can be weakened due to osteoporosis. In order to reduce the risk of fractures and injuries in elderly patients, they can make sure to consume enough calcium and Vitamin D, exercise regularly and always use a walker or a cane where it is required.


What are the Treatment Options for Fractures and Injuries?

The treatment plan for fractures and injuries will vary, depending on the severity of the individual case of the patient. However, the aim of any treatment of fractures or injuries is always to make sure the affected area returns to its normal function, after it is healed.

Some cases can be treated without surgery using, a plaster, brace or sling, and assistance with recovery through physiotherapy or hand therapy.

Depending on the case, fractures and injuries can also be treated surgically, with either Internal (e.g. With screws or plates) or External fixation (i.e. using an external frame). Essentially, these are different methods of fixing the affected bone in to the right place, so that it can properly heal. In very severe fractures, especially around the shoulder, a joint replacement may be the best treatment for the fracture.

When urgent treatment is required, Mr Soong Chua has emergency appointments available. Please see the procedures page on Fractures & Injuries for more information on the type of treatment that Mr Soong Chua can provide.

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